Previewing with ShowDVI

The contents of this file can now be displayed by you with a so-called Previewer. With this previewer you can look at what the printout will look like in advance. The program for this purpose is called ShowDVI and is located on one of the PreviewDisks.

Please note that you need more for viewing the document in testfile.dvi as what you get on the distribution disks TeXDisk1 and TeXDisk2. For this end, you need the disks PreviewDisks 1, 2 and 3, which you can order from us. It is important that the font libraries are located in the directory TeX:fontlib or that you have copied the needed fonts[*] to a place that is known to the previewer.

The call looks like this:

ShowDVI testfile

After that a new screen in interlace mode should appear and display the result. You can leave ShowDVI by pressing CTRL-C.